Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rethinking Display

Jessica Vascellero's recent article in the WSJ, "Tech Firms Tout New On-line Ad Formats" is a wonderful read.  The article, written from Allen & Company's Sun Valley "mogul" retreat explores the future direction of the display market.

The US display ad market is worth ~$8 bn. Display ads today, however, are virtually identical to the very first display ads of fifteen years ago - static pictures of products that increasingly fail to capture the interests of consumers and the nature of today's web- video, Twitter, real-time content, etc.  Given the lack of innovation, ROI is suffering and both publishers and advertisers are exploring new alternatives.

Google is making display innovation a priority and the article quotes Eric Schmidt as saying that he "championed "interactive video ads," which he said are on the way. Such ads, which could appear anywhere on a Web page, not just inside a video, would be like mini-Web pages. That means they could allow Web users to watch a video, leave a comment and see real-time updates within the ads that are more customized to their interests."

I very much enjoyed reading that paragraph. Why?  

Widgetbox's ClickTurn ad platform already delivers on the vision outlined by Mr. Schmidt - ClickTurn ads transform display ads into nanosites programmed by best of today's real-time and interactive web.  For example, here is an ad for Halo that includes video, real-time content updates, and delivers, via an ad unit, the very "mini-Web page" that Google's CEO promises is coming. 

ClickTurn now powers dynamic display solutions for many of the web's top publishers. Working with our publisher partners, we are working to redefine display ads and to deliver ROI - through detailed interaction metrics - that will help the display market deliver greater value.

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